Alumni, Class of 1940:

Abernathy, Elsie Adams, Francis (Davis) Adams, John
Alexander, Elizabeth (Herald) Alexander, Julia (Bates) Allen, Dan D
Allen, Rosemary (Foster) Anders, Linnea (Anderson) Anderson, Dorothy (Stone)
Anderson, Kimball Anthony, Raymond Awalt, Stella
Ayers, Chester D Ballestedt, Marian Barbour, Mary
Barnes, James Barnes, Jay D Barnhouse, William
Baskin, James Baskin, Lucille (Thornquist) Beck, Melba
Beck, R. Bell, Carol (Craig) Bell, Jerry D
Bell, Virginia Benjamin, Otis (Watt) Bergstrom, Arthur D
Bergstrom, Gladys (Massey) D Berry, Mary Beto, Marilynn (Knippa) D
Blomeke, John Bolles, Ava (Brown) D Booth, Irene
Booth, Oneta Boswell, Clarence D Boswell, T. (Mayes) D
Bouchard, Harry D Brewer, Charles Briscoe, Betty (Slaughter)
Brooks, Stanley Brown, Herbert Brown, Joe
Brown, Kathleen (Mangum) Brown, Margaret (Smith) Buford, Chester D
Burnett, R.E. Burns, David Burns, Robert
Burnup, George D Bushacker, Evangeline (Schneider) D Butcher, James
Byrom, Doris (Bohls) Campbell, Laura (Thompson) Carleton, William
Carlson, Wanda (Gault) Carr-Johnson, Evalyn (Ball) Carter, Ora
Caruthers, Ellen (Moffatt) Chapman, Preston Cherico, Forest
Cherry, Etta (Barrow) Cherry, Wendel Chewning, Jack
Childers, Gloria Clark, David Clark, Reba
Clary, Helen (Winkler) D Clausen, Emily (Busby) Cloud, Maurice
Cocke, Frances Cofer, Hume D Cole, Joe
Collier, Ruth Collins, W.W. (Chiles) Conley, Frank (Brush) D
Conoley, Billie (Curby) D Cook, Conrad Cook, Elizabeth (Gribble) D
Copeland, H. Cotton, Beryl Cotton, Helen (Nolen)
Courtney, Glen Covert, Bobby (Fritts) D Curtis, Louis
Davidson, Joyce Davis, Jack (Chandler) Davis, Leo
Davis, Marvin Davis, Leo D Dearing, Jonnye
Deason, Marion Decrow, Thomas Deford, Audrey (Shane)
Denmark, Elma (Morberg) Dickson, Lewis Dieterich, Mildred
Dipprey, Caradine Doole, John Dougherty, Margie (Eichelberger)
Douglas, Juanese (White) D Drake, Cecil Ducas, Sophie
Dyer, Jane (Harkrider) Eby, Cleo (Wesson) Eckhardt, Norman
Edgar, Dorothy (Rowley) D Edwards, Marie (Kallgren) D Ehlers, Victor
Eilers, Metz Ellis, Minnie (Bulian) Ellison, William
Emmott, Lucile (Swartwout) Eppright, Charles Evans, Dorothy (Cuthbertson) D
Faubion, Walter Felts, James Ferguson, Robert D
Fields, Dorothy Fisher, Alice Fletcher, Leroy
Focht, John Forbis, Virginia (Lair) Ford, Georgie
Forgason, Helyn (Steiner) Fortner, Marge Fowler, James
Fowler, Katherine (Meredith) Frances, Charles Francis, Lou (Martin) D
Frank, Lois Franklin, Claude Freeman, Dorothy
Freitag, Earl (Contat) Freund, Virginia Fulkes, Jack
Fuller, Lady Funderburke, Lorraine (Costley) Gaines, Inez (Ragsdale)
Gambrell, William Gann, Richard Gannon, Felicia (Moore)
Garcia, Ron Garner, Betty (Booth) Garner, Raymond
Gates, Doug Gaulding, Jimmie George, Richard
Gibson, Juanita Giddens, Elsa (Sundheimer) Glass, Gwendolyn "Gwen" (Doering) D
Glass, Evelyn (Doering) Graham, Julie Green, Paul D
Gregory, Bernice (Johnson) Gregory, Tommy Griesenbeck, Bobby
Griffith, Coleman Griffith, Nelly Griffiths, Clara (Haenel)
Gustafson, Wallace Hale, George D Hallock, D. (MacPherson) D
Hamer, Betty (Bacon) Hamilton, A.J. Hanseler, Lonnie (King)
Hansson, Corrine Hardin, Jeanette (Mcphail) Harlos, Joy (Hamilton)
Harmon, Autrey Harris, Noeline (Stumpf) Harrison, Chaleie
Harton, Elizabeth Hatzfeld, Edward Hawkins, Jerry
Heath, Bartford Heath, Duncan Hempel, Mary (Barker)
Hemsworth, Winifred Henry, Gladys Herbst, Dean (Finley) D
Herzberg, Rose (Joseph) Hickman, Sam Hill, Roberta "Buzzie" (Wilder) D
Hinckley, Dagmar Hodges, Patricia (Francis) D Hokanson, Lamar D
Holman, Richey Holmes, Florence Homeyer, Betty (Tumey)
Homeyer, Clarence Hooker, Elizabeth Hoppens, Elly
Horton, William Hudler, M. Hudnall, Jean
Huff, Liska Hunt, Patricia "Patti" (Harris) D Hunt, William D
Hunter, Patricia (Bell) Hutchins, Johnny Ives, Walter
Jackson, Ella (Eppright) Jackson, Margaret Jacobsen, Alvin
Jacobson, Esther (Sandgarten) James, Helen (Apperson) Jenks, Jimmy
Jennings, Louis Johnson, Alice (Fraser) Johnson, Clyde
Johnson, Hartley (Pickle) Johnston, Lillian Jones, Doris
Jones, Frances (Hightower) Jordan, Charles Joseph, Paul
Juvenal, Molly (Kohn) Keith, George Keith, Martha (Hay)
Kelley, Cliff Kelly, John Kendall, Penny
Kendrick, Dorothy (Grein) Kidd, Robert Kidd, Wilby (Krause) D
Kies, Clifford "Cliff" D Kilburn, Geneva Kinney, William
Knebel, Carolyn (Eklund) D Knox, James Kreebel, Paul
Kruger, Edythe (Schmidt) Kuse, Bernard LaFaitte, Vlasta (Holubec) D
Lamar, Elmira (Donoho) Lamb, Eleanor D Laroe, James
Larson, O.E. Lay, Coy Leach, Robert D
Lee, Nancy Leisering, George D Leisering, Lena (Clark)
Lemon, Thomas Lentz, Leland Lentz, Robert
Lester, Bettie D Lewis, Dorothy D Lewis, James
Lewis, Jocelyn (Buzbee) Lewis, Walter Lind, Dorothy (Richard) D
Lindhe, Robert Lindsey, Elwyn Litton, Doris
Livengood, Mary (Mccrummen) Long, Evelyn (Locks) Loper, Marian (Davis)
Lott, Jessie Love, Dorothy Lucas, John
Lucius, John Macdonald, Mary (Monroe) Maddox, James
Manlove, Mary Marquis, Maurine Marrow, Virginia (Jordan)
Martin, Vera (Dunlap) D Martin, Raynell Mason, Jessie
Matocha, Betty (Brook) McBee, Sue (Brandt) D Mccormick, Gwyneth
Mccright, Mary D McCrocklin, Harriett (Stroud) D McCullough, Earl D
Mcelroy, Carol Mcgraw, Dorothy Mciver, J.
McKinney, Sue (Craddock) Mclarty, Patsy (Jones) Mcmaster, Jimmy
Mcmaster, Mary Mcspadden, Norma (Reed) Messick, Gene
Messick, Mildred Meyer, Dagmar Miles, Velera (Kuhn)
Miller, Joy Miller, Robert Mills, Horace
Mills, Mary Moore, Eloise (Sanderford) D Moorhead, Sarah
Morgan, George D Morgan, Pauline (Lee) Morris, Coley
Mueller, Eva Muenster, Daniel Nagle, Herbert
Nairn, Preston Narum, Mary (Firmin) Naumann, Eugene "Gene" D
Neans, Kenneth Neitsch, Marie Nelson, Anna
Nelson, F. D Nelson, Vivian Newton, S. D
Nicholas, Anna Nichols, Hazel (Robisher) Norwood, Chloe
Novy, Dave Novy, Howard Okon, Lois (Garonzik)
Oliver, C. Owen, Dorothy (Richey) Owens, Virginia
Owsley, William Palmer, Katherine Park, Anna (Peiser)
Parker, Joe Parker, Ralph Parry, Gordon
Paschall, Murel Patenaude, Laura (Darnell) Patterson, Betty (Bible)
Patterson, Loyce Payton, Grace (Howell) Phillips, Zuma
Pickle, Charles Piper, Leroy D Pool, Barry
Potter, R. Potthoff, George Potts, Mildred
Prado, Margaret Pritchett, Kathleen Purcell, Barbara
Pursley, Maxine (Hawkes) D Quadlander, Margaret (Cuthbertson) D Quist, Charles D
Rade, June (Thorpe) D Ramsey, John Randerson, Joe D
Randles, Christine (Farrow) Rasor, Chester Raven, Travis D
Ray, Roy Reddin, Robert Reed, Bruce
Rejent, Mary (Parker) Richard, Carl D Richey, Claude D
Richey, Robert Roberson, Mary (Champion) D Roberts, Marjorie
Robertson, Kathleen (White) Robinson, Coad (Hardy) Robinson, Frances (Schlegel)
Robinson, Imogene (Gault) D Robinson, Patty (Andrews) Rogers, Marian (Davis) D
Rouron, Ida Sanders, Susie (Metcalfe) D Sandgarten, Hyman D
Sandoval, Selsa Sanwick, Edna (Mcclain) Sassman, Joe
Scharath, Alfred Schmidt, Golda "Goldie" (Gellman) D Schmidt, Robert
Schneider, Elmer Schoch, Eugene D Schryver, Anne (Bloor)
Schwartz, Albert Schwerdt, Mary Scott, Alfred D
Segner, Mary Sellers, D.V. Sellers, Dorothy (Gilliam)
Senter, Rollins Shane, Richard Shane, Robert
Sherfy, Josephine (Crouch) D Sherman, Louise (McCall) D Shuler, Ida
Sieck, Lester Silberstein, Frances Simpson, Frankie
Simpson, Opal Skeen, Lutie Small, Terrell
Smith, Alfred Smith, Charlie Smith, Douglas
Smith, Frances Smith, Joy (James) Smith, Morgan (Weikel)
Smith, Virginia D Sneed, Robert Speir, Emmett
Speir, Howard Speir, Lillie (Massey) Spencer, Harrison
Spradling, Charles Stahl, Clara (Schieffer) D Steadham, Betty
Stegall, Ray D Stephens, Sheba (Brill) Stowell, Dick
Stromquist, Kathryn Sullivan, William "Sully" D Sutherland, Jean (Taber) D
Swenson, Connie Tankersley, Frances Tannehill, Helen (Gould)
Teich, Edna Templeton, Billye Templeton-Tesmer, Ethel (Walker)
Thew, Lucille (Rotsch) Thomas, Dixie (Allen) Thompson, Billie (Robinson)
Thompson, Henry Thompson, Loraine (Campbell) Timm, Phyllis
Tinnin, Helen Townsley, Hoyt Tracey, Martha (Green)
Trimble, David Turner, Jenell Tyler, Doris (Taylor) D
Vidaurri, Martha (Ortega) D Von Roeder, Tommye (Burdett) Von Rosenberg, William D
Waddle, Carl (Randolph) Walden, Allan Walker, Charles (Halden)
Walker, Patricia "Patsy" (Coffey) Walker, Robert "Pat or Paddy" D Walston, Mildred "Millie" (Hamilton) D
Warren, Betty Warren, Thomas Wash, Jimmie (Fredrich)
Watson, Bill Watson, Max Weber, John
Weddell, Wray Welmaker, Felix Wendt, Ellen (Kriegel) D
Wentworth, Dorothy D Wentworth, Jewell (Beard) D Wenzel, Carrielyn (Schmidt)
West, Sybil (Small) Whatley, Mary Wheeler, Eva (Mcrae)
Whetsell, Dorothy (Ayers) Whitaker, Nelson Whitehead, Lillie
Whittle, Margaret Whitworth, Edna (Widen) D Wild, Claude
Wiley, George Williams, Billy Williams, Marilyn (Stumberg)
Wise, Dorothy Wolter, Billie Worley, Robert
Wright, Robert D Wukasch, Joseph "Joe" D Wyont, Barret
Yaryan, Carolyn "Carrie" (Berry) D Yearwood, Dorothy Yeary, Vickie
Zieger, Earl

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